Microsoft, or Office, 365 is not immune to the basic laws of economics. If the technology does not help increase company revenue, improve employee productivity or cut expenses, few executives will commit time and resources to deploying it or invest in improving adoption and usage.
While many can agree that measuring ROI is important, little consensus exists on just how to gauge the effectiveness of Microsoft 365 and its solutions.
This whitepaper is designed to provide practical advice for leaders who want to start leveraging Microsoft 365 to work but wrestle with the challenges of justifying its value after deployment. Some of the metrics discussed in this whitepaper may vary based on how you use Microsoft 365, but the economic principles remain the same.
Download this whitepaper now to help you identify the business value generated by Office 365 deployments and measure it against the costs of implementing these technologies or improving their usage.
In this whitepaper, we’ll give you guidance and recommendations to successfully measure and share the business impact and value of Microsoft 365 as well as:
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