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Managing and Maintaining Microsoft Teams Channel Permissions

4 min read
Managing and Maintaining Microsoft Teams Channel Permissions

Microsoft Teams is a leading product in business communication, collaboration and video conferencing. We have gone over the basics of managing a Team, you’ll also need to know how to manage Microsoft Teams Channels.

The article below will provide step-by-step instructions on managing Microsoft Teams channels permissions, user capabilities, and team ownership. It will also walk through commonly used processes and troubleshooting.

Teams vs. Channels

If you think of Microsoft Teams as an office building, the different Teams would be the various companies, and the Channels would be the departments in each company.

A Channel is a section within a Team. It’s used to organize conversations, files and can link to other applications and URLs.

Microsoft Teams VS Microsoft Teams Channels
Microsoft Teams VS Microsoft Teams Channels

Microsoft Teams Channel Permissions

Now that you are familiar with managing teams, members, and settings in Microsoft Teams, let’s review Teams Channel permissions. There are two basic types of channels for Microsoft Teams. You can create private channels or a standard channels.

Standard channels in Teams or Private channels are accessible to a smaller group. Each Channel has a topic to help you stay organized with conversations, files, and Microsoft Teams meetings.

Manage your channels further by using the tabs at the top – files, apps, and services. Keep reading to learn about adding tabs, pinning channels, guests permissions, and moderator roles.

Adding Tabs

Tabs transform a Team from a simple, dedicated chat and file storage area to an entire digital workplace specific to the Channel.

To add channels, locate and select the plus sign next to your existing tabs. You can add tabs like Planner, Document, and Forms.

Built-in and custom tabs in Teams
Built-in and custom tabs in Teams

Pinning Channels

Are you having trouble keeping track of all your channels? You can pin your most frequently used channels for convenience.

To pin a channel select More channels, Pin.

To unpin the Channel, select More channels, Unpin.

Add Guests

To add a guest to your Teams page confirm that the individual has a Microsoft 365 account. If they don’t, they can sign up for one for free using a valid email address.

Start by selecting Teams, More options, and Add Member. Enter the guest’s email address. From there, you can edit guest information. Once you click Add, the guest will get an email with details about joining Microsoft Teams.

Guest Permissions

Before adjusting guest permissions, make sure that the person has been added to the team as a guest. Team owners set guest permissions for channels.

To see guest permissions in your Teams’ Channel, select More options, Manage team, Settings, Guest permissions.

Guest Permissions in Microsoft Teams
Guest Permissions Section in Teams

From there, you will see a list of potential guest permissions (i.e., enable channel creation). Check or uncheck permissions for guests.

Moderator Roles/Settings

Standard channels are not moderated, so any member or guest can post and reply. The team owner can add moderator(s) if they wish. The moderators can post, respond, react, as well as add and remove team members as moderators.

The team owner can turn on moderation to add a moderator or include existing team members as moderators. Click More options, Manage Channel. Locate Channel moderation and toggle to On. Once moderation is on, only moderators can begin new posts.

If you want to add or remove moderators select More options, Manage Channel. You will see Who are the moderators?, click Manage to add or remove moderators.

Missing Owners

Missing owners can lead to several team issues, including abandoned teams, unmanaged teams, lack of accountability, and overall poor team support.

To make the most out of Teams and get the support you need from IT, every team should have an owner (preferably two). Owners of private channels within a team may not be members of the team, which prevents them from managing the Channel.

Within your organization, you can create policies for missing owners using Microsoft 365. Admin users can check team owners and view teams without owners. For more information on missing owners and Microsoft 365 features, check out these resources.

Making Microsoft Teams Work For You

This article covered useful information regarding managing Microsoft Teams channel permissions, team settings, and user capabilities. If you are looking for tips on creating compelling Teams Channels, read our blog, but if you want to make sure you are getting the most out of your Microsoft team or you want more Teams examples, check out the user adoption resources we have on our website.

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