Being Microsoft Teams savvy is essential in the modern workplace of businesses leveraging Microsoft 365 globally. However, it does have its share of challenges.
Our partners are well equipped to handle many of the issues facing companies using Teams. However, before looking at them or even downloading our eBook on one of the biggest hurdles to overcome in Teams, make sure you understand the basics for handling teams management.
To use some of the management features, you will need to be either a global or Teams administrator. Visit the Microsoft Teams admin center to confirm your status. If you are not an administrator, request a change of status before you continue.
You can manage teams using the management tools dashboard. You can locate the dashboard from the admin center – select Teams and then Manage teams. From the dashboard, you can see groups from your organization.
When using Microsoft Teams, you will have three classifications of users – owners, members, and guests.
On the Teams overview grid you will find the following information:
Once you are familiar with the overview grid, you can learn how to manage teams efficiently. Below are some of the significant features of management.
View pending requests by locating your Team in the Teams’ list. Select More options, Manage Team, and Pending requests. From there, you can accept or deny requests to join a team.
If you want to request that someone is added to one of your teams, select More options, Add member. Type in the name of the person you want to add and select Send request. The team owner will be notified that they have a pending team request.
You can make someone a team owner when you create a new team.
If you want to make someone an owner after you have created the Team, select More options and Manage Team. Locate the name of the person you want to make an owner. From the Role column Click Member and then Owner.
Remember, two owners per Team is ideal.
You can control settings and permission as the team owner – click More options, Manage Team. Locate the settings tab, and you will see the following options:
If you want to change the team name, team description, or privacy settings, click on More options, Edit team.
As mentioned, you can check your settings to find out when your Team expires. If your Team has a red expiration icon, you have less than 30 days left before your Team expires.
To renew a team, locate the team name, select More options and Renew now. If you don’t see the expiration icon but want to renew, go to More options, Manage Team, Settings, Team expiration, and Renew now.
To delete a Team, as the team owner, select More options, delete the Team. This will permanently delete the Team. It will remove the team mailbox and calendar as well as SharePoint files.
As a team owner or global admin, you can remove a team member. Locate the team name, select More options, Manage Team, Members. Select the “X” to the right of the member’s name.
If you want to remove a Team owner, you have to change their role from owner to member and then remove them. If you accidentally remove a team member, you can add them back by choosing Add member.
You can archive a team that is not currently active. You can reference any data from that Team, but it’s hidden from your regular team feed. Note that teams conversations are read-only after they have been archived.
To archive a team, select Teams, Manage, More options, Archive team. You can see the number of deleted and archived teams on the bottom left of your overview grid.
When you want to restore the Team, select Teams and Manage. Locate your archived list and the Team you want to restore. Click More options and Restore Team.
Take a breath, get familiar with the information mentioned above, and when you are ready, let’s dive into Teams Channels.
However, if you felt a little bored reading the blog you might want to dive into something with a little more meat. Take the time to understand the most common challenges to plague Microsoft Teams and SharePoint, in our eBook.
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