Our Intranet and Digital Workplace guide is packed with important, relevant information for Internal Communications and IT professionals alike. It has been updated along with our other whitepapers to reflect what’s happening and relevant for businesses today.
Many organizations are shifting towards a more connected, engaged, and innovative workforce. This is made possible by investing in and enabling your workforce with digital workplace technologies and a modern Intranet experience.
Some businesses have a plan to enable this through various enterprise technology investments and organizational initiatives. However, engaging the workforce can take years and may be seen as a future initiative for some organizations. When so many organizations are firefighting or reactively responding to employee needs, it can be difficult to provide employees with the kind of Intranet experience that enables that workforce to succeed.
Luckily, we have put together a whitepaper to help accelerate the engagement of your workforce. In this blog, you will get a glimpse into what you can expect from each section of the whitepaper.
For over a decade, companies have been relying on SharePoint for their Intranet. While many already leverage SharePoint as the foundation for their Intranet, the platform has taken things up a few notches over the last years. A strong indicator of its relevance is how many times the application has been the foundation for the Neilson Norman award, the equivalent of winning a Grammy in the Intranet space. We are proud to say that our team has been behind a number of these award-winning intranets.
Their modern UI/UX is as simple to use a Squarespace website and as easily configurable. If you are not already using SharePoint for your Intranet, you should know its user base has doubled year-over-year, and it is for a good reason.
SharePoint continues to be at the heart of Microsoft 365’s digital workplace solutions. Its core purpose of improving the overall employee experience and engagement through effective communication and collaboration is well aligned with Microsoft’s commitment to a better digital workplace, and the results have been outstanding.
This section of the whitepaper looks at some potential uses for Microsoft’s digital communication and collaboration trio; SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and Yammer.
For the benefits part of the whitepaper, we outline vital ones that can be realized through planning, investing, and implementing more SharePoint and Microsoft 365 capabilities within your organization’s Digital Workplace.
To support and improve organizational understanding of the benefits Microsoft 365 will provide, we have identified over 40 key benefits that directly align with the fundamental digital workplace drivers of simplification, engagement, and productivity. Of these benefits, 70% have been proven, based on industry experience, to have a high, significant, and notable impact on the business and should deliver considerable business value. For an organization of greater size, this represents a potential positive impact of millions of dollars in cost savings, productivity gains, and simplification.
Microsoft 365 is easily malleable to your business requirements. While that presents a wave of opportunities, you will need help navigating the many options ahead. For that reason, we have included a long list of best practices in our whitepaper to consider across all aspects of your Intranet and digital workplace.
One of the primary benefits of Microsoft 365 as a proven digital workplace technology is that it can help accelerate and enable (with relatively low cost) the kind of digital experiences that modern users need. Instead of engagement and innovation being future goals for the business, we have found the deployment and adoption of Microsoft 365 and a modern Intranet. Adopting them can shift the above timeline to months or quarters instead of taking entire years to accomplish the key technology changes and user behavior transformations needed.
The Intranet is at the epicenter of many organizations, where employees can get company news and information and search for people and content.
Together we can make the Intranet a more personalized experience, where users need it when users need it. Spanning on-premises and Microsoft 365, the mobile and intelligent Intranet brings together the productivity of SharePoint team sites, Microsoft Teams, the reach of Yammer, and the mission criticality of your most important business applications. All of this is done while being accessible from your desktop and your mobile phone. Lastly, Microsoft 365 powered Intranets are powered by the Microsoft Graph, so information finds your users instead of your users finding information.
Meeting modern workforce needs today is challenging. Keeping up with the demand and the needs of your future workforce is often seen as impossible.
An Intranet powered by Microsoft 365 or implemented in Microsoft 365 allows you to take advantage of the many related digital workplace enhancements Microsoft continually rolls out.
It’s not just that you have a cloud-powered Intranet. It’s that you have an Intranet that leverages, integrates, and uses as much of what Microsoft provides as possible so that your Intranet remains continually up to date and able to take advantage of the continued innovation Microsoft produces.
The timing couldn’t be better for your organization to begin the shift or further embrace Microsoft 365.
Not only is it possible to embrace Intranets on Microsoft 365, but with the guidance in our whitepaper, you will have a greater understanding. Learn how to improve it in less time and with less effort than almost any previously successful Intranet initiative you have undertaken.
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